Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cozy Coupe Batmobile

Cozy Coupe Batmobile 

September 11th is my son's first birthday and I wanted to make him a Batmobile. His daddy loves Batman and what kid wouldn't want a Batmobile to fight crime in.

I found this old cozy coupe van, not quite a car but it has a sun roof. As my dear friend put it, if Batman gets into an accident he can just use the chair launch out the sun roof.

I ended up using 3 cans of black spray paint and 1 can of yellow spray paint. The paint I used was for plastics, Krylon Fusion.

I printed out some Batman symbols and laid a trash bag over the car except where the paper was and spray painted the yellow. Let it dry and you have a Batmobile!

Knowing what I know now, I would paint the car yellow and use a sticker to place on the car while I spray paint the car a darker color. If I ever make another refurbished cozy coupe that is what I would do differently.

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