Sunday, August 18, 2013

Crafty: Window Picture Frame 

A few months ago I saw some crafts on Pinterest that used old farm house window frames as picture frames and thought it was simply the cutest thing and would look perfect in our farm house kitchen over the table. Shortly there after I found some old windows at our local thrift store for $3 and I bought one and it sat there until yesterday. Yes, it took me some odd 4 months to finally finish this project, but at last...

The photos are washed out 5x7 prints to give them more of a vintage look (I wished I had done 8x10 photos now), the husband informed me in the making of this he wasn't a fan of black and white so I made a compromise that I actually like more. I free handed the "L" with a Sharpie but I had an Expo marker ready in case I needed to start over. If you didn't already know, dry erase markers take off permanent markers on whiteboards. I'm leaving the hanging job to the husband because it is quite heavy, I'll supervise that project.  

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